Jackson, NJ Real Estate

This blog is compiled by Matthew Genovese of Coldwell Banker Riviera Realty in Jackson. It is my intention to use this blog to assist people who are looking to buy or sell property, houses or businesses in Jackson with timely insights and information about the town, the real estate market, and anything else that I believe is helpful. Please feel free to comment here or send me an e-mail: mattgen@optonline.net

15 July 2009

This Old House Has 22 Ways to Go Green

The person behind the Coldwell Banker Twitter feed (@coldwellbnkr) passed along this great article about 22 Little Ways To Go Green from the folks at This Old House.

It is a really good read packed with tons of tips. Some of them are a bit obvious (like replacing your shower head to a water-saving one or unplugging your power tool) and some are unique but smart (like putting food coloring in the tank of your toilet to see if it is seeping and you are wasting water!) and some are just good solid tips to avoid waste that you may not have thought about (like mixing all of your drips and drabs of white paint--come on you know you've got them, we all do--into one can and using that to paint your workshop or garage.)

Definitely worth checking out and saving to save a few bucks in waste!


09 July 2009

Coldwell Banker's Interactive Billboard in Times Square

In yet another innovative use of mobile technology, Coldwell Banker has launched an interactive billboard in New York's Times Square.

By texting "homes" and the zip code where you are searching to 30241 the billboard will display available homes in that area on the giant billboard.

Here is a demo:

It is a great way to remind people about Coldwell Banker's mobile web optimized home search that I blogged about here.